About Expedient Medicolegal Services
Who We Are:
Expedient Medicolegal Services provides expert medical opinions to a diversity of clients, with an emphasis in the areas of workers’ compensation, independent medical examinations, and disability evaluations. As a highly select group of Board Certified Qualified Medical Evaluators, Expedient experts deliver comprehensive and conclusive resolutions.
What We Do:
As a full service administrative management group, Expedient ensures that each of our experts has the resources needed to provide comprehensive, impartial, and common-sense resolution in the most efficient manner possible. Our efficiency practices bring a new level of competence that is appreciated by all those who collaborate with Expedient.
Our Reputation:
By adhering to our core principles, Expedient has quickly established itself as the premier medicolegal group providing a diversity of evaluation services to a broad range of clients who have grown accustomed to the consistency, quality, and responsiveness that Expedient provides.
Why Choose Us:
Expedient physicians are routinely selected as Qualified, Agreed, and Independent Third Party Medical Evaluators due to their consistent ability to provide clear, timely, and thorough reporting based upon reasonable medical probabilities. Our experts always include an appropriate level of relevant testing, provide a complete review and commentary on all objective records received, address any special case factors or labor codes that apply, and specifically address all questions raised by both parties. By consistently adhering to these practices while providing substantial medical evidence, our experts facilitate settlement and reduce claim length.
In addition to our team of experienced QMEs (Qualified Medical Evaluators), our responsive, friendly, and well trained administrative staff schedule prompt appointments, facilitate transfer of case records, confirm appointments, and provide attendance confirmation and initial case findings when requested.